

The Connection between Faith and Culture


Flag Day Americans have a unique attachment to the Stars and Stripes. Drive down the street of any residential neighborhood and you will more than

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GUILTY! Yesterday was an historic day. For the first time in history, a former President of the United States was convicted of felony charges. A

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Remembering the Fallen Well This past weekend those of us living in the United States enjoyed the three-day holiday called Memorial Day. For those living

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday “Christ Entering Jerusalem” Wilhelm Morgner, 1912 The opening hymn was familiar (to me) and appropriate to the occasion All glory, laud, and honor,

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Today is a national holiday in the United States in honor of the Civil Rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Many will recall his “I Have a Dream” speech, given on the steps of the Lincoln ….

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EPIPHANY Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship

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When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under …….

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The Commander of Peace

The chorus is one of the three high points in George Frideric Handel’s masterpiece, The Messiah. The other two are the Hallelujah! chorus and the grand finale, Worthy is the ……

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Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor Today marks the 80th anniversary of the Japanese attack on the naval base at Pearl Harbor and the beginning of the American involvement

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Child Sacrifice

For all the differences between these two news outlets, the headlines were remarkably similar. Oxford, Michigan has joined an increasingly long list of communities in the United States scarred by a mass shooting….

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The Church And The Poor

Caring for the poor is a central theme of the entire Bible. In the Old Testament there are gleaning laws that provide for the poor…..

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The sign hangs prominently on the side of an old barn in the small town of Shelbyville, Michigan. “God, Guns, Country.” Three perfectly acceptable English language words. If these three words were found…

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Why are You Crying?

The question comes to Mary twice. Woman, why are you crying? The angels ask the question first, and Jesus repeats it. Mary answers the angels…

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In October, 2001, I had the privilege of being deployed to New York City to assist with the recovery from the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center. One of my responsibilities ….

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Windmills & Torii Gates

Two massive structures from two very different countries representing two very different cultures Windmills are early factories. They….

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In October, 2001, I had the privilege of being deployed to New York City to assist with the recovery from the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center. One of my responsibilities ....

Two massive structures from two very different countries representing two very different cultures Windmills are early factories. They....

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The Fort: Growing Up In Grosee Pointe During the Civil Rights Movement